8 Sequels We Actually Want To See

Kill-Bill-3Kill Bill Vol. 3

How It Left Us Hanging: Though Kill Bill Vol. 2 ended with the Bride succeeding in what she set out to do, there was another mission of vengeance that had yet to begin. In Vol. 1, the Bride’s first visit to her former work colleagues led her to encounter and brutally exterminate Vernita Green – all whilst Green’s daughter was watching. Before she left the crime scene, she openly invited Green’s daughter to track her down when she was of age and get her revenge for her loss, which seemed perfectly reasonable.

How It Could Return: Tarantino mentioned way back when that he had played around with Vol. 3 of the Kill Bill series. This was a chapter that would be 13 years in the making however, with the Bride getting a knock at her door from Green Jr. who set out to do as she requested. A battle of blood would ensue and the world would be mighty happy that it happened.

Chance Of A Sequel? Like a Vega Bros. film and any other bit of brain burps that spill out of his mind, QT has kept fans hungry for the return of the Bride and those keen to put her down for good. In 2004 he was stated saying, “Initially, I was thinking this would be my “Dollars Trilogy”. I was going to do a new one every ten years. But I need at least fifteen years before I do this again. I’ve already got the whole mythology: Sofie Fatale will get all of Bill’s money. She’ll raise Nikki, who’ll take on The Bride. Nikki deserves her revenge every bit as much as The Bride deserved hers. I might even shoot a couple of scenes for it now so I can get the actresses while they’re this age.”

Since then the possibility of the Bride’s comeback has slimmed, with Tarantino mentioning in 2004 that he wanted it as his ninth film set for 2014, only to backtrack in 2012 saying, “I don’t know if there’s ever going to be a Kill Bill Vol. 3. We’ll see, probably not though.” Well, here we are in 2015 and film number nine is actually The Hateful Eight, so clearly that schedule has gone a bit askew. If Tarantino is ever going to give away The Bride again, it won’t be for a while.

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