Vin Diesel Beards Ups For The Last Witch Hunter

Social networking butterfly and Photoshop fiddler (honestly, his posts are just surreal at times) Vin Diesel has revealed what he’s going to look like in his upcoming horror-action flick, The Last Witch Hunter and it’s quite apparent that he’s going to be braving some rather unthinkable territory. A world where mystic arts are practised, where the Dark Ages were darker than we thought and where our usually chrome-dome headed hero has some intense facial hair going on. Honestly Vin, just put a comb through that thing at least.

The latest post from Vinbook shows our leading man and Last Witch Hunter having trouble after he’s gone to scratch his chin and lost his hand in his facial forest. This of course is the least of his worries as the upcoming film will tell the story of Diesel’s immortal alter-ego as he battles wart-faced females who conjure up all sorts of bother via eyes of newts and toads and junk. By the sounds of things we could have a Highlander-like adventure that jumps between the Dark Ages and modern day New York as our dude Diesel tries to thwart the enemies plan for all kinds of witchy stuff.

The cast that will be joining big Vin looks to be an interesting collection that could suggest this will be worth a look. The last person to be eyeing the project was Elijah Wood with the likes of Michael Caine  on board, and Game of Thrones star Rose Leslie who may, or may not be hopping on a broom for the project. Proceedings are being handled by The Crazies director Breck Eisner with a release for some time next year. Be sure to keep an eye out as the fire continues to burn and the cauldron bubbles for what looks like an oddly promising entry.

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