New Writer Hired For Fantastic Four

Fantastic-Four-Reboot-New-WriterIf you were thinking that the Fantastic Four reboot couldn’t show any more signs of improvement now that Matthew Vaughn had signed up to produce well you’d be absolutely right. Still, getting a new screenwriter on board the project does show signs that the powers that be aren’t afraid for a bit of fine tuning when they bring the Reed family back in to cinemas. [Read more…]

New Writer Hired For Fantastic Four

Fantastic-Four-Reboot-New-WriterIf you were thinking that the Fantastic Four reboot couldn’t show any more signs of improvement now that Matthew Vaughn had signed up to produce well you’d be absolutely right. Still, getting a new screenwriter on board the project does show signs that the powers that be aren’t afraid for a bit of fine tuning when they bring the Reed family back in to cinemas. [Read more…]

Binoche Could Be Going For Godzilla

Binoche-Godzilla-PossibleAnother name has been added to the list of players that could be putting up at something and going ‘aaagh’ in Gareth Edwards‘ Godzilla,  and it’s a name that draws more eye-brow raising intrigue than a remake of a Japanese monster movie deserves. No disrespect, Mr. Godzilla, sir. Reported by Variety it seems that the iconic kaijuu has cast its bulging garden bush-sized eye on Julie Binoche to take up an as yet (wait for it) unspecified role. [Read more…]

Binoche Could Be Going For Godzilla

Binoche-Godzilla-PossibleAnother name has been added to the list of players that could be putting up at something and going ‘aaagh’ in Gareth Edwards‘ Godzilla,  and it’s a name that draws more eye-brow raising intrigue than a remake of a Japanese monster movie deserves. No disrespect, Mr. Godzilla, sir. Reported by Variety it seems that the iconic kaijuu has cast its bulging garden bush-sized eye on Julie Binoche to take up an as yet (wait for it) unspecified role. [Read more…]

Whedon Wonders About The Hulk Movie

Hulk-Solo-FilmAfter New York was saved and Loki was sent packing, it was quite clear that the biggest success of Avengers Assemble was finally delivering the perfect Hulk, and more importantly one we’d want to see more of. Sadly, with super-soldiers, iron men, and norse gods getting sequels, there just doesn’t seem to be any room to squeeze in a gamma-fuelled mountain of rage – not just yet anyway. [Read more…]