Spider-Man Gets A New Look

First-Look-At-Amazing-Spider-Man-2Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark may have had the most wardrobe changes in their past screen efforts, but now it looks like Peter Parker is about to add another new outfit to his going-out gear for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, which got the big reveal today.

Swinging on to ComingSoon this morning, the new threads for the web-head keep with the iconic colours of everyone’s favourite wall crawler which is a given. The most notable difference between his new outfit and the ones before (Raimi’s Spidey included) are the eyes which are larger and give the strongest resemblance to the Spider-Man from the comic books. A job well done to the costume department there.


The Amazing Spider-Man 2 sees Peter Parker face more bother in the upcoming sequel, this time in the form of Jamie Foxx’s shocking new villain, Electro. With a new villain to face, Parker must fight the good fight once again, still trying to uncover secrets from his past and keeping a watchful eye on girlfriend, Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) in the process.

Be sure to share your thoughts on the new costume below. Do you think it was necessary? Or has director, Marc Webb made the wrong move in giving our hero a new look?

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 will be crawling in to screens April 18,2014.

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