Momoa Declines On Drax The Destroyer

Moma-Guardians-Of-The-GalaxyFan of The Guardians Of The Galaxy? Fan of Game Of Thrones? Then boy, are you going to be annoyed at the news that late horse lord, Jason Momoa has apparently turned down the offer to play Drax The Destroyer in the upcoming space-based comic-book film.

Playing a valuable part in the build-up to Phase 2 of Marvel’s movie universe, Guardians Of The Galaxy sees human astronaut Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) discover he’s actually half alien. From here he is flung into a mad space adventure, leading the titled team of protectors which consist of a giant-talking tree called Groot, pistol-packing pest, Rocket Racoon, the previously discussed Drax and Gamora, the adopted daughter of big-bad Thanos who was spotted at the end of Avengers Assemble.

Reported weeks ago about supposedly smashing his screen-test in London, Momoa has turned down the offer of playing the blood-thirsty warrior that would fit him like some sort of manly, bruised glove. With no confirmation as to why, IGN have already pointed to the possible problem being money, something Marvel have been known to be a bit stingy with when it comes to making offers. One can only hope that the comic-book movie-making machine reach further into their pockets to get the mighty Khal before they start giving their back-ups a call. Watch this space.

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