Oblivion Gets An International Trailer

OblivionTrailerNewsStill looking like an After Earth look-alike, a brand new international trailer for Oblivion has appeared online showing more of poor Mr. Tom Cruise stuck on our abandoned blue planet, fighting for survival. Of course, it’s easy to forget that this is in fact the Tom Cruise and this shouldn’t be a bother for him at all. [Read more…]

Peter Dinklage Headed To Days Of Future Past

DinklageBryan Singer getting the original mutant gang back together might be something worth cheering about but the latest addition to X-Men: Days Of Future Past should get Game Of Thrones fans ecstatic. Having played the one good Lannister of a bad lot for two seasons now (with a third arriving in March) in the hit HBO show, news is now out that Peter Dinklage will be joining the cast for the upcoming sequel to the prequel, X-Men: First Class. [Read more…]

Peter Dinklage Headed To Days Of Future Past

DinklageBryan Singer getting the original mutant gang back together might be something worth cheering about but the latest addition to X-Men: Days Of Future Past should get Game Of Thrones fans ecstatic. Having played the one good Lannister of a bad lot for two seasons now (with a third arriving in March) in the hit HBO show, news is now out that Peter Dinklage will be joining the cast for the upcoming sequel to the prequel, X-Men: First Class. [Read more…]

Oblivion Gets An International Trailer

OblivionTrailerNewsStill looking like an After Earth look-alike, a brand new international trailer for Oblivion has appeared online showing more of poor Mr. Tom Cruise stuck on our abandoned blue planet, fighting for survival. Of course, it’s easy to forget that this is in fact the Tom Cruise and this shouldn’t be a bother for him at all. [Read more…]

Scorsese And Lau Unleash Revenge Of The Green Dragons


It’s been seven years since Martin Scorsese took Andrew Lau’s Infernal Affairs and turned it into the Boston-based Oscar winner, The Departed finally giving the director the shiny golden statue that was long overdue. Now it turns out that Scorsese is handing in his IOU by working with Lau on a brand new project together, acting as producer for Revenge Of The Green Dragons. [Read more…]