New Iron Man 3 Poster Falls in

Tony Stark looks to be in a serious spot of bother if this latest poster for Iron Man 3is anything to go by. Thrown out to the press today, this nice little one sheet is getting fans prepped for the eagerly anticipated Super Bowl spot that will be making an appearance on Sunday.

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Annie Remake Gets A Director

Following the massive success of Les Miserables, which still has yet to get a few Oscars chucked its way, it’s safe to say that the world loves a good sing-song. This recent confirmation explains why  the big heads (and big eared for one in particular), behind the Annie remake have just appointed a director to make sure that the sun’ll come out tomorrow, or at a date best suited for the studios. [Read more…]

Kutcher Reveals JOBS Photo

Tweeting extraordinaire, Ashton Kutcher slapped up a great little image last night, showing just how he’s going to look as the late, great Steve Jobs in his new film, JOBS, which will be loading up at cinemas in April. [Read more…]

Paperman Short Hot Off The Press

For the recurring visitors of this little film-infatuated blog, you’ll be aware that I do like to partake in the odd short film now and again. Well, as look would have it Disney have released their latest little entry, Paperman for your viewing pleasure. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s a great watch and a wonderful blend of both CGI and hand-drawn animation – but there are certain Signs that brings another short film to mind, one that has appeared on this very site!

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A Third Clip Appears For A Good Day To Die Hard

The clips just keep on coming for Bruce Willis’ A Good Day To Die Hard and the third one shows another lovely father son moment between John and Jack (Jai Courtney). This moment of course wastes valuable time to hammer henchman with a bucket load of bullets which is really what McClane family time is all about.

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